ScholarOne Keywords
When submitting a manuscript in ScholarOne, authors must select at least one keyword from each of the categories below.
Select up to two Basic Disciplines and up to five keywords in each of the other categories (Theoretical Topics, Substantive Topics, and Methods).
Basic Disciplines |
Theoretical Topics |
Anthropology | Acculturation |
Biology | ANT and Assemblage Theory |
Computer Science | Affect and Emotion |
Economics | Attention and Search |
History | Attitudes and Beliefs |
Linguistics and Semiology | Automaticity/Nonconscious Processes |
Psychology | Behavioral Economics and Decision Making |
Philosophy | Categorization |
Sociology | Choice |
Statistics | Cognition |
Consumer Culture Theory (CCT) | |
Consumer Expertise | |
Consumer Subcultures | |
Context Effects | |
Consumer Strategy | |
Creativity and Innovation | |
Deception and Honesty | |
Decision Making | |
Developmental Theories | |
Economic Theories and Analysis | |
Embodied Cognition | |
Evolutionary Psychology | |
Fluency | |
Goals and Motivation | |
Happiness and Well-Being | |
Heuristics | |
Impression Management | |
Individual Differences | |
Inferences | |
Information Processing | |
Institutional Theory | |
Intertemporal Preferences | |
Involvement | |
Knowledge | |
Lay Theories | |
Learning | |
Macro Consumer Behavior | |
Market System Dynamics | |
Materiality and Possessions | |
Memory | |
Mental Accounting | |
Metacognition | |
Morality and Ethics | |
Mortality | |
Motivated Reasoning | |
Neuroscience | |
Personality | |
Persuasion | |
Philosophy of Science | |
Political Ideology | |
Power | |
Practice Theory | |
Regulatory Focus | |
Resource Theory | |
Risk and Uncertainty | |
Self and Identity | |
Semiotics | |
Social Capital | |
Social Class | |
Social Influence and Norms | |
Sociological Theories | |
Stereotypes | |
Symbolic Consumption | |
Values | |
Visualization/Imagery |
Substantive Topics |
Methods |
Advertising | Analytic Modeling |
Aesthetics and Taste | Bayesian Analysis |
Aging Consumers | Categorical Data Analysis |
Artificial Intelligence and Robots | Choice Models |
Augmented/Virtual Reality | Cluster Analysis |
Branding | Computational Linguistics |
Children | Computer Vision |
Conspicuous Consumption and Luxury | Conceptual Study |
Consumer Experience | Conjoint Analysis |
Consumer Finances | Content Analysis |
Consumer Relationships | Depth Interviews |
Consumer Technology Interaction | Discourse Analysis |
Corporate Social Responsibility | Econometrics |
Cross-Cultural Studies | Ethnography |
Design | Experimental Design/Analysis |
Digital Marketing | Eye Tracking |
Experiential and Indulgent Consumption | Hermeneutics and Phenomenology |
Fairness | Literary Criticism |
Food and Nutrition | Longitudinal Data Analysis |
Gender, Race, and Ethnicity | Mediation Analysis |
Gift Giving | Meta-Analysis |
Globalization | Multi-Level Models |
Group Dynamics | Multivariate Data Analysis |
Health and Well-Being | Narrative Analysis |
Illicit Consumption | Netnography / Social Media Analysis |
Impulsive Consumption | Network Analysis |
Marketing Communications | Neuroscientific Methods |
Materialism | Optimization |
Music | Physiological Methods |
Numerical Cognition | Process Theorization |
Packaging and Labeling | Projective Techniques |
Persuasion Knowledge | Psychometrics and Scale Development |
Poverty and Inequality | Qualitative Analysis and Interpretation |
Pricing | Response Latency Analysis |
Privacy | Simulation |
Promotions | Structural Equation Models |
Prosocial Behavior | Survey Research |
Public Policy Issues | Text and Visual Mining |
Religion | |
Retailing | |
Consumer Satisfaction | |
Sensory Marketing | |
Services | |
Sharing Economy | |
Social Media and Networks | |
Sustainability and Green Consumption | |
Transformative Consumer Research | |
Variety Seeking | |
Word of Mouth and User Generated Content |